Thursday, October 16, 2014

What Does Your Day Look Like: An offering worthy of the King

SCRIPTURE: Malachi 1:8 When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts.

OBSERVATION: Malachi is rebuking the priests that presented the offerings of the people before God.  He is rebuking them for not holding true to the command of God to bring unblemished sacrifices commanded by Moses.  Instead, they cut corners in their worship as if God was unaware of their lack of obedience and care to follow His commands.  He illustrates this by basically saying, if someone of high importance and stature were to expect your obedience, and you brought him a shallow offering, would he choose to accept it or give you favor?  Of course not, right?!  But oh, do we not do this to God all too often..

APPLICATION: This is a tough pill to swallow. Why is it that we would esteem so greatly an earthly man or woman and yet bring our leftovers to God?  We do…I do..almost daily!  How often do I talk with God as a Father and friend?  How often to I cover my bases in the natural at the expense of the supernatural?  How often to I place earthly priorities before heavenly ones?  Time reveals all doesn’t it?  Take a look at our days.  What do we spend the majority of our days investing in?  In prayer, praise, excellence and first-fruits of service?..where are we at?  He is our Father, He is real!  He loves us.  Even in this rebuke, is it not his longsuffering and kindness to align us back to the favor and blessing of the King? Hebrews 12:6 states that because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son." 

PRAYER:  Lord, may the habits of the natural man within me die and the spiritual man take territory.  May I never grow lax in presenting my best to You always.  May I not make excuses and may I even take the necessary steps to pair back my time to make more time with You and to hear from Your Spirit. Your rebuke itself is mercy.  I receive it today.  Help me to honor You more and serve You with a whole heart.  Amen

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finish Strong: Bless as they come, bless as they go

SCRIPTURE: Mark 8: 8-9 And they ate and were satisfied.  And they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. 9 And there were about four thousand people. And He sent them away.

OBSERVATION: Jesus had been doing ministry on the Sea of Galilee (I was just there!) among a crowd of about 4,000 people for 3 days.  It appears that they had had little to nothing at all to eat having left their homes behind to be with Him.  Jesus was about to send them home but wanted to send them away being well fed so they could safely make the journey without fainting from lack of strength.  The disciples didn't understand how this could be possible with so many, but once again Jesus gave thanks for what few loaves they had, broke them and fed the 4,000 before sending them home.

APPLICATION:  Jesus most assuredly had blessed them so much that they were all willing to leave the comforts of their homes, lives and likely even their families.   They had left everything behind to be with Him.  Imagine that for a moment.  Leaving your daily routines, habits and even livelihood just to spend time with Jesus..  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Power of God: release through response

SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.”

OBSERVATION: A woman with a 12 year old condition of a discharge of blood reached through a crowd of people and touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment.  Power went out from Him and healed her.  When he had asked who had touched her, his disciples’ response (in the natural) was basically. “Um..Jesus, there are like tons of folks around you..lots of people are touching you..uh..” Let's be honest, wouldn't we have responded in such a way?

APPLICATION:  In the beginning of Luke we read that Jesus is the “Word” meaning “Logos”  Essentially He is the divine expression of the Father himself.  He is God incarnate, here in the flesh walking among the crowd.  But in that crowd a woman who believed in His power, touched him and was healed.  Faith is a response to the Word of God and the Word of God (Jesus) is attached to promises backed with power.  The Word of God, activating our faith (Romans 10:17) releases the power of God backed by His authority.  This is HUGE!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Without truth there can be no peace

SCRIPTURE: Therefore thus says the Lord : ‘Behold, I will remove you from the face of the
earth. This year you shall die, because you have uttered rebellion against the
Lord.’” (Jeremiah 28:16 ESV)

OBSERVATION: Hananiah, a Gibeonite (remember the deception of Joshua in the land of Canaan) false prophet came boldly into the house of The Lord and declared soon coming peace for the kingdom of Judah. This proclamation heralded itself after Jeremiah's extended prophetic times of judgement and destruction to fall upon the unrepentant nation. He was declaring peace apart from God's will and apart from any repentance of the nation. 

APPLICATION: Now I've meditated on this a bit and come to realize simply, without truth there can be no peace. Without truth everything is subjected to subjection, both truth and peace. My world view and source of authority determines my convictions, path and preference.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

When He tells you it’s time to launch the boat, launch the boat.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”

OBSERVATION: Jesus hopped in Simon’s boat while he was cleaning his nets and asked Simon (Peter) to push Him out off shore.  There Jesus sat down and was teaching the multitudes from the boat.  He then asked Simon to take his boat into deeper waters and try fishing once again.  Same scenario, same circumstances, same tools…but in His timing.  Simon let down his net and caught so many fish he had to signal to some friends to help catch them all!

APPLICATION:  Timing matters because God has appointed times for us to fulfill what He has called us to do.  I know that I have been (and am still in) in situations where I felt like I had everything I needed to move on what God had called me to move forward into His destiny for me, all to be thwarted and stalled..and often frustrated.

However in hindsight I see that in those instances my timing was not aligned to His.  I had the time, the people, the experience, the tools…but I personally wasn’t ready.  My character needed more sharpening, my mind lacked the wisdom of God to handle what He had for me. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Safety from the storm..or through it.

SCRIPTURE: ACTS 27:31-32 Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved.” Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the skiff and let it fall off.

OBSERVATION:  (What a picture!)Contrary to the advice of Paul not to brave the seas in winter, the helmsmen persuaded the centurion to set sail anyhow.  The wisdom of the man was taken over the wisdom of a prophet.
  From there the storm indeed came and was with them for weeks.  Paul had been visited and encouraged by an angel of God and strengthened them by telling them that none of them would perish but that they must run aground on a certain island.  Suddenly the men believe an island (their salvation from the storm) is near and wish to exit the ship and make for shore.  Paul tells them that unless they stay “you cannot be saved.”  Their reaction…they cut the ropes from the skiff and let it run off.  Later on, they even cast off their anchors!

APPLICATION:  Wisdom unheeded is a dangerous business.  In our own lives when someone of godly authority speaks life and lesson to help steer the ship of our lives, we do well to heed it quickly.  Why weather storms that were never intended for us?  We can either live by consequences or wisdom. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

With everything to gain, what have you got to lose?

In Mark chapter 8 we once again see a great multitude in need of nourishment, much like in Mark chapter 6. They had been traveling with Him for 3 days and have nothing to eat..

I've always viewed these very real illustrations through the this lense: "God can take what little you have, and multiply it" or "Nothing is impossible with God, He can take a few measly morsels and satisfy a multitude, He is a God of miracles." or even this statement "Isn't that amazing how God used the seven loaves and not only fed 4,000 people, but also gave them (the disciples) back more than they previously had..God is able to to exceedingly, abundantly above or beyond anything that we could possibly imagine. If we give, he will bless us and entrust us with even more."

All these statements I believe to be true as revealed to us through Scripture in various ways, however I never really paid attention to this particular facet of truth.

They (Jesus' disciples) were asked to give away all their bread..

I think it's no coincidence that at the end of this chapter we read this famous statement from Jesus

34"Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

They were on God's mission, living out their calling and having been asked at the onset of their journey with the Lord to leave everything and follow Him they were still living out that very same principle in their everyday ministry: Sacrificing their passions, pursuits, dreams, goals, even careers and submitting themselves to their calling in Christ each day.

The Lord has often asked me to give up earthly pursuits in my life. In fact, it's a big part of my testimony.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Comfort Zones: Let's do some rezoning

The Prelude: Paul has been falsely accused by the Jewish elders and after applying pressure to the governor of Caesarea Felix, had convinced Felix to imprison him there.  Felix had shortly thereafter been succeeded by the new governor Porcius Festus.  After two years (wow) of imprisonment the fervor of the Jewish leaders was by no means quenched
and they had asked to have him (Paul) released that they might kill him.  Festus fortunately wanted to have a hearing and see where their rage came from and if it was indeed just.  Paul had asked to be seen seen at a Roman court as was his right as a Roman citizen.  Festus agreed and had King Agrippa and a man with him named Bernice come to hear what the tumult was about. we are...Paul after two years of imprisonment..standing before the King (Samuel 2:8 comes to mind) of the known world at that time, has been asked by the king himself to "speak for yourself."

He could have said anything.  He could have slammed the Jewish elders for falsely accusing him.  He could have thwarted his Roman citizenship in the face of injustice.  He could have pitifully and rightfully pleaded for release and justice for two years of imprisonment.  He could have..he could have..he could have...but he didn't.

He simply gave his testimony

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Disbelief: Don't lose your voice!

In the opening chapter of Luke we read about 2 stories: The conception and birth of John the Baptist and the conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit in Mary's womb.

Zechariah, a priest before God in the temple was chosen to burn incense before the Lord and upon entering the temple he was visited by the angel Gabriel.  Gabriel told Zechariah that he and his wife would conceive a child appointed by God to turn the children of Israel back to Himself and "make ready for the Lord a people prepared."
But here's prophetic part. 
At the crossroad of the supernatural power of God intersecting the Zechariah's life and declaring a promise over him..the declaration is immediately measured against an earthly impossibility:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Worship privately and you will shine publicly

I was just listening through our churches Sunday service that I had the awesome privilege of leading and I was once again moved by what God was doing in our church.  I was worshiping and thanking God all over again this morning for His goodness, His manifest presence, His love for His church.  Not too mention Pastor Ryan's sermon was OFF THE CHARTS!  It was clearly annointed and resonated deeply in the hearts of everyone here.  Honestly, if you get a chance give it a listen.  I'm certain it will impact your heart as well.

As I was worshiping the Lord this morning my heart suddenly turned outward.  I began to send encouraging text messages and emails.  I wasn't even really paying attention to the fact I was doing it, it was just welling up within my heart and His love was pouring out to others around me.  It was just a natural (or rather supernatural) product of my time with Jesus.   His love and power truly can't be contained within these simple earthen vessels.  We were meant to be poured out!