Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Worship privately and you will shine publicly

I was just listening through our churches Sunday service that I had the awesome privilege of leading and I was once again moved by what God was doing in our church.  I was worshiping and thanking God all over again this morning for His goodness, His manifest presence, His love for His church.  Not too mention Pastor Ryan's sermon was OFF THE CHARTS!  It was clearly annointed and resonated deeply in the hearts of everyone here.  Honestly, if you get a chance give it a listen.  I'm certain it will impact your heart as well.

As I was worshiping the Lord this morning my heart suddenly turned outward.  I began to send encouraging text messages and emails.  I wasn't even really paying attention to the fact I was doing it, it was just welling up within my heart and His love was pouring out to others around me.  It was just a natural (or rather supernatural) product of my time with Jesus.   His love and power truly can't be contained within these simple earthen vessels.  We were meant to be poured out!

I'd encourage anyone reading this to be filled with the Spirit daily by drawing near to Christ through your private worship time with Him.  Let's make the time.  "The days are evil" the bible tells us, and without us contending for His Kingdom to break forth into them, the days will go about themselves producing nothing good.  But God is good and He has called us to herald His goodness by the power of His Spirit, to be a fragrance in every place we go amen!

CHALLENGE:  Send at least 2 encouraging emails, phone calls, text messages out and see what God produces through it!

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.

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