Thursday, September 20, 2012

Disbelief: Don't lose your voice!

In the opening chapter of Luke we read about 2 stories: The conception and birth of John the Baptist and the conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit in Mary's womb.

Zechariah, a priest before God in the temple was chosen to burn incense before the Lord and upon entering the temple he was visited by the angel Gabriel.  Gabriel told Zechariah that he and his wife would conceive a child appointed by God to turn the children of Israel back to Himself and "make ready for the Lord a people prepared."
But here's prophetic part. 
At the crossroad of the supernatural power of God intersecting the Zechariah's life and declaring a promise over him..the declaration is immediately measured against an earthly impossibility:
They're too old to have kids.
Now before we go and say "Are you kidding me?  You're doubting in your heart whether or not having a child is actually possible when the impossibility of an angel coming from the presence of God is talking with you in that very moment?! W-w-what?"
What happened next?  He lost his voice.  He would not be able to speak again until he penned his son's name on a writing tablet, thus believing, confirming and aligning himself with God's divine ordinance and once again being able to glorify God in prophesy.
We too lose our voice when we don't believe and stand upon the promises of God.
Testimonies testify.  In our own strength and power, we can only glorify ourselves and our own efforts to which will quickly fade, be forgotten and die with us. 
But in the strength and might of God by faith inviting the wonderful power of His Spirit to transform our lives we testify Jesus, Jesus of Who's glory never fades!  
Don't give your voice, your testimony, your joy over to the devourer known as unbelief!
  In Revelation it states that the enemy is overcome by the Blood of the Lamb (our power) and the word of their testimony (His power released through us by faith in His word)  We take heart because the same Spirit that empowered Jesus' ministry is the same Spirit that lives in us as followers of Christ.  We too can stand upon all the promises of God and shine Christ to the world with confidence and boldness.
CHALLENGE:  Find a promise of God in the bible and declare it out loud
(no really, out loud!)

Here's mine for when I fear about all that it will take to make to work effectively in new ministry capacities and when the details and lack of experience overwhelm me:

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
What's yours?

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