Thursday, April 11, 2013

Safety from the storm..or through it.

SCRIPTURE: ACTS 27:31-32 Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved.” Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the skiff and let it fall off.

OBSERVATION:  (What a picture!)Contrary to the advice of Paul not to brave the seas in winter, the helmsmen persuaded the centurion to set sail anyhow.  The wisdom of the man was taken over the wisdom of a prophet.
  From there the storm indeed came and was with them for weeks.  Paul had been visited and encouraged by an angel of God and strengthened them by telling them that none of them would perish but that they must run aground on a certain island.  Suddenly the men believe an island (their salvation from the storm) is near and wish to exit the ship and make for shore.  Paul tells them that unless they stay “you cannot be saved.”  Their reaction…they cut the ropes from the skiff and let it run off.  Later on, they even cast off their anchors!

APPLICATION:  Wisdom unheeded is a dangerous business.  In our own lives when someone of godly authority speaks life and lesson to help steer the ship of our lives, we do well to heed it quickly.  Why weather storms that were never intended for us?  We can either live by consequences or wisdom. 
Thankfully even in the storms of life that we too often get ourselves wrapped in by our own lack of listening and rebellion, there is still wisdom available to find the safety of shore…if we will listen and heed.  So I say CUT THE ROPES.  Forget the back-up plans!  What God has said, I will do!  If not, I will learn..the hard way.  I know this to be all too true..

PRAYER: I’m a stubborn man, arent I God..  All the tools to navigate this life with wisdom are found within Your word and even a master helmsman (The Holy Spirit) to help me understand and apply them...but yet I still get myself in messes that were never intended for me.  Help me not to be stubborn, and to simply listen and obey.  Not wait, weigh and compromise.  Salvation in all situations belongs to You so help me to steer clear the storms of life that I can avoid through the wisdom You have imparted to me through Your word. And like Paul, when I find myself in them, encourage me and help me through them and not look to jump ship in the midst of the lesson.  Amen

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