Thursday, October 16, 2014

What Does Your Day Look Like: An offering worthy of the King

SCRIPTURE: Malachi 1:8 When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts.

OBSERVATION: Malachi is rebuking the priests that presented the offerings of the people before God.  He is rebuking them for not holding true to the command of God to bring unblemished sacrifices commanded by Moses.  Instead, they cut corners in their worship as if God was unaware of their lack of obedience and care to follow His commands.  He illustrates this by basically saying, if someone of high importance and stature were to expect your obedience, and you brought him a shallow offering, would he choose to accept it or give you favor?  Of course not, right?!  But oh, do we not do this to God all too often..

APPLICATION: This is a tough pill to swallow. Why is it that we would esteem so greatly an earthly man or woman and yet bring our leftovers to God?  We do…I do..almost daily!  How often do I talk with God as a Father and friend?  How often to I cover my bases in the natural at the expense of the supernatural?  How often to I place earthly priorities before heavenly ones?  Time reveals all doesn’t it?  Take a look at our days.  What do we spend the majority of our days investing in?  In prayer, praise, excellence and first-fruits of service?..where are we at?  He is our Father, He is real!  He loves us.  Even in this rebuke, is it not his longsuffering and kindness to align us back to the favor and blessing of the King? Hebrews 12:6 states that because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son." 

PRAYER:  Lord, may the habits of the natural man within me die and the spiritual man take territory.  May I never grow lax in presenting my best to You always.  May I not make excuses and may I even take the necessary steps to pair back my time to make more time with You and to hear from Your Spirit. Your rebuke itself is mercy.  I receive it today.  Help me to honor You more and serve You with a whole heart.  Amen

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