Thursday, August 22, 2013

Without truth there can be no peace

SCRIPTURE: Therefore thus says the Lord : ‘Behold, I will remove you from the face of the
earth. This year you shall die, because you have uttered rebellion against the
Lord.’” (Jeremiah 28:16 ESV)

OBSERVATION: Hananiah, a Gibeonite (remember the deception of Joshua in the land of Canaan) false prophet came boldly into the house of The Lord and declared soon coming peace for the kingdom of Judah. This proclamation heralded itself after Jeremiah's extended prophetic times of judgement and destruction to fall upon the unrepentant nation. He was declaring peace apart from God's will and apart from any repentance of the nation. 

APPLICATION: Now I've meditated on this a bit and come to realize simply, without truth there can be no peace. Without truth everything is subjected to subjection, both truth and peace. My world view and source of authority determines my convictions, path and preference.

If everyone's truth is different and everyone's idea of achieving peace is at odds, there can be no peace. The word declares that through His Son he has brought peace between the Father and ourselves. Peace through a realization of our sin condition, surrender to His righteous reign with a repentant heart and committing our lives to serve His truth, His plans, His peace.
The word of God is inspired. It is from Him. It is not subjected to man's opinions or ideologies. It is the only truth. It is the only source of peace. So why look anywhere else but to the Son? There is only one Prince of Peace full of grace and truth, Jesus. I will stand fast to His word, His ways, His life that I may abide in peace, true peace. Lasting peace, eternal truth. I don't want to settle for temporal, fake peace when the real deal is available to me. Real peace isn't always the easiest road to walk, but its the only real peace available.

PRAYER: Help me to stand strong God and to fight for peace, for reconciliation at all times. Even when it requires and awkward conversation or confrontation in love with gentleness and deep humility. Guide me into all truth that i may live in true peace and not reap death like Hananiah did in trying to make peace apart from truth. Amen.

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