Thursday, July 5, 2012

Suffering: A VoiceBox unto His Glory

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 2:18 For in that He Himself had suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.

OBSERVATION: The author of Hebrews is most likely speaking to a Jewish congregation in Rome and so far, explaining Christ’s supreme authority and sufficiency over all things. The author explains how Christ had to come and as Emmanuel (God with us) to be a High Priest as well as a once-and-for-all sacrifice to make propitiation for the sins of mankind. Jesus satisfied the righteous and just wrath of God by taking the punishment we deserved upon Himself. As Hillsong might say, a “Beautiful Exchange” indeed!  But in this we see that as He suffered, Jesus is able to empathize with His creation in the sufferings and temptations that we also suffer. It says that He is able to aid us in our temptations and trials!

APPLICATION: Well it makes perfect sense. We see this in everyday life don’t we? For instance, how often do we see addicts seeking recovery being shepherded by those who’ve never ever struggled with abusing substances themselves? I haven’t. How often do we see a struggling mother of 4 being discipled in how to raise her children well by a young woman with no children? Haven’t seen that either. Men who struggle with pornography…do they find more comfort from a woman who can’t relate, or another man who fights the good fight of faith that in through Christ, overcomes the temptation for years and years..
Our trials and suffering give us a voice to speak hope and life into those going through similar tribulations. If in this manner Christ is able to aid us, how much more so we as believers co-laboring together to be an aid to each other?! After all we have within us “Christ in me, the Hope of Glory.” As believers in Jesus, we have the privilege of the Holy Spirit (our Comforter) to minister through us to speak the “aid” that others need in their seasons of suffering. Paul modeled this brilliantly. His sufferings for Christ’s sake gave him the authority and voice to be a trusted leader that earned him the right to speak the gospel into other’s lives. He was walking the walk. Christ went to the cross to bear our sin and shame…and there was a joy set before Him. Not only would he conquer sin and death, but through His sufferings (greater than any suffering we will ever experience) He would also be Savior that can speak with all authority words of life that we can easily receive. He was tempted in ALL things, yet without sin! Therefore in ALL things, He is able and perfectly qualified to instruct us in everything that we go through. Likewise we go through trials, temptations, and suffering on account of setting our hearts on righteous living to glorify God we too in the specifics of our suffering can speak with authority into those going through similar circumstances. We certainly won’t suffer as much as Christ did, but as the body of Christ…corporately all of us together certainly suffer enough that each of us has a voice to speak with authority the faithfulness of God , during and after the circumstance of our sufferings specifically to those who need to receive courage, love, support, and unwavering commitment to see them through whatever dark tunnel they are in. He indeed makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. Even our sufferings become a voice box unto the glory of God.

PRAYER: Lord help me to see the beauty in my sufferings, knowing what it produces in me and what it will produce through me. Romans 5: 3-5 states3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Like You Jesus, help me to see the joy set before me in all trials of life, to rejoice in what they produce in me and more importantly, the fruit of what they will produce through me. I see clearly that even the pain and suffering you have allowed and will allow to happen to me is grace as well. Help me to never run away from you Lord, to never blame You…but only ever to run to You. Amen.

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