Friday, June 29, 2012

Character: Are you Qualified?

SCRIPTURE: Titus 1:16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.

OBSERVATION:  In Paul’s letter to Titus, a faithful leader he left on the island of Crete in which sound doctrine and integrity were being challenged and perverted, he is exhorting Titus to properly seek out godly leaders to do the work of the ministry;   and at the same time telling him to hold fast to the things Paul had taught him that he might be able to exhort and convict those in the wrong.  Apparently the Jews were inter-mixing the knowledge of popular fables and bywords that were turning people from the faith as well as leading for their own selfish gain.  Their conduct and behavior not only caused others to sin, but it immediately disqualified them for the leadership they assumed in the lives of others.  In their state of willful disobedience they were unable to walk in the good works God had set before them.  Because of their lack of adherence to neccesary character of a follower of Christ, they had judged themselves unfit to lead.

APPLICATION:  Once again, character is crucial.  The truth that motivates our righteous behavior is key.  Basically the word is telling us that if our character isn’t aligned with the word of God and being obedient to Christ, we’re not qualified to lead or even do the work of the kingdom.  It’s a matter of the heart and it always has been with the Lord.  Why do we do what we do?  Just this morning I had cleaned up the house while my wife was asleep that I might bless her when she woke up.  Well she did and much to my disappointment I didn’t receive one word of recognition.  HOLY SPIRIT CHECK:  Was my motivation to bless my wife and honor God by honoring others over myself, or was my motive to be noticed and verbally esteemed by my wife.  So subtle, but because my heart was not in alignment with the heart of God in the situation, I disqualified myself from the blessing, from the reward, from real joy.  I learned a lesson this morning...
If we’re to be men and women of character according to God’s standard, we have to be in the word!  It has to saturate our thinking.  God’s word is living and active, meaning it gets into the soul and has a transforming effect on our hearts.  It reveals God’s heart and character and gives us the privilege to follow His example and to bear His likeness so that others may come to know the joy of the Lord.  If we aren’t faithful in our devotional time with the Lord, how can we ever be faithful to lead others and walk in the good works of God?  Not only will we/I lose our reward in heaven for the things we do, but we’ll grow bitter in doing them and eventually encounter those two terrible words we too often hear in ministry, “Burn out.”  The word of God will give you His heart and His motivation to love and lead well.  Christ is our Qualifier and without his passion and heart for this world coursing through our veins and working in and through us, then we find ourselves pressing into the same fruitless strengths that the world relies on.  There is a greater power available every day and He’s called the Holy Spirit. 

PRAYER:  Thank you Lord for checking my heart, for causing me to look at the motivations behind what I do.  As your word saturates my heart I become more aware of the loving boundaries that you’ve given me and I delight in Your rebuke.  I want to be a man of character and obedience that I may be qualified to do every good work you’ve prepared.  As the song goes “Keep my heart pure and my ways true, that I may follow You.”  Your strength is indeed perfected in weakness as Paul said.  When I am weak then I am strong.  Help me to stay dependent on Your strength and walk with integrity in all that I do that the world may see my good works and glorify You because of it. Amen

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