Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crisis at hand! What's your first response?

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 13:14 And when Judah looked around, to their suprise the batte line was at both front and rear; and they cried out to the LORD, and the priests sounded the trumpets.

OBSERVATION:  Will somebody please make a short film on this scene already?!  When I consider this moment in our history it plays out like a movie.  I can imagine the different camera angles, pan in's and out's,  this was an EPIC moment in our family history.  Let me try and summize it as best as I can..
After Solomon's death, His son Rehoboam took over.  Solomon had gotten a little sloppy in his pursuit of God near the end of his life and one of his well repected men of valor named Jeroboam wasn't pleased with how he was executing his labor endeavors and rebeled and travels north.
Rehoboam unfortunately picked up a lot of his father and families' bad habits and didn't pursue God with his whole heart and dealt shrewdly with the Norths' requests to ease taxes and burdens.  BAM, nation divided north and south and war ensued all their days back and forth.  Rehoboam (king of Judah/South) dies and his son Abijam follows after him.  Although he didn't pursue God like David, he got a few things right (and it looks like his son after him, Asa took note and did what was right in the sight of the LORD, sweet!) 
Scene begins..
Jeroboam marches forward with 800,000 men
Abijah, standing on Mount Zemaraim with 400,000 men
Outnumbered 2 to 1 Abijah begins to explain to Jereboam how he (Jereboam) has enlisted worthless rogues as company, corrupted his inheritance with the worship of false gods, selling and perverting God ordained priestly roles by allowing people to purchase their appointments, and ultimately foresaking God Himself. (Imagine his voice thundering down the mountain to the opposing forces, the echo, the camera angles panning from army to army)
He then goes on to boast in the the LORD and his (Abijah) reverence for God's commandments, priestly order and worship, and plainly states that the LORD is with him and has foresaken Jeroboam.
(END SCENE) (Thundering sounds coming closer)
Suddenly out of nowhere a great army of Jeroboam rises as an ambush from behind!  Just as the courageous declaration leaves Abijah's lips echoing through the canyons..the enemies forces strengthen against him!
What now?!  Surrounded, no where to go...outnumbered, out flanked, outsmarted..out of options..

APPLICATION:  ...sound the trumpets, lift up a shout...praise God and stand firm and watch as He delivers you from the enemy.  He will.  There is no name that can challenge the LORD and stand.  Shifting sands against the Rock of Ages.  Hardly comparable.  Notice how as soon as Abijah makes a declaration of faith, it's tested.  Doesn't that always seem to be the case?  As a believer in Christ I know that I know that I KNOW I will be tested.  We all will.  It's a promise of Scripture.  The Lord tests the hearts.  Why?  So that we will learn to stand!  So that we learn to trust and depend on Him in our distress. So that our faith in his providence with take deep root and like Paul be content in all seasons, in lack or in matter what, being able to stand!  Abijah stood!  The fire got hotter, and he and his men sounded the trumpets, lifted up a shout of praise to God and the LORD sent the enemy running!  They took down 500,000 men.  Imagine those numbers for a moment.  Chasing down and slaying 500,000 men.  This was a slaughterhouse.  In Christ we have the victory!  We know the end of the story.  We know where we stand in the middle of it!  Therefore stand, be courageous, for the Lord is with you always, even 'til the end of the ages.  And remember, we don't stand alone!

PRAYER: Lord of Hosts, I pray that I would learn to lean on you in times of crisis.  To not cower in fear, to not look for a worldy back door or escape route.  But to stand!  To stand with others!  To lift up a shout of praise to You when it just doesn't make any sense.  To declare victory when I'm surrounded on all sides.  Thank you LORD for the times you allow me to be surrounded on all sides, that I may have no where to turn but to You.  This too I see as Your grace.  May I be able to eat at the table You've prepared before my enemies without any anxiety, knowing you have ordained everyday.  I will need Your help to stand when the trial comes.  Help me to remember to stand LORD, help me to not forget who is for me.  Amen.

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