Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Our relationship is personal, but our pursuit is not!

SCRIPTURE:  2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, preace with those who call on the Lord our of a pure heart.
OBSERVATION:  Paul is instructing his faithful servant of whom he left to minister in Ephesus.  As you could imagine, this was a pretty big deal.  Timothy had been working in ministry alongside Paul for quite some time.  Timothy had been raised in the word of God from his mother and grandmother, and Paul was building upon that solid foundation.  However now Timothy was on his own so to speak and Paul wanted to make sure to encourage him to stay strong in the grace of Christ and to lead well;  to make certain to be the leader he’s called to be in a perverse society filled with apostasy.  He was to avoid company with those that were in error of doctrine and trying to taint the faith as well as keep himself pure alongside those whose goal was the same.  He was to pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
APPLICATION:  Now that’s what got me.  Certainly I’m supposed to pursue such virtues, but as a leader Paul is calling Timothy to lead and surround himself with people on the same path with the same heart.  He was to be a leader conscious of those he was leading and serving alongside with, and be doing ministry together.  Pursuing the fruits of the Spirit in good company is important.  Our relationship with Christ is personal, but our pursuit is congregational.  And deep down I (we) know this so well, but often times we just keep blazing a trail all on our own;  not being more mindful of those around us and that together we can do much more unto the glory of God together as opposed to on our own.  After all, God doesn’t dwell in one specific place like in the old covenant, He now dwells in us and we are all living stones fit together being built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5).  God no longer resides in a temple, we are the temple!  We’re meant to be a people, reflecting a person (Jesus) unto the glory of God.  I need to be constantly aware of those I’m serving and leading that we may be built up together, for that’s how God intended it.
PRAYER:  Lord, probably too often I take the reins and try to do too many things myself instead of raising up others to do the work of the ministry.  It may seem easier in the short run to just do things myself, but in the long run it leads to burnout and poor discipleship.  The goal is not to "get the project done" it's to "get the people done!" To produce and multiply more leaders pursuing the character of Christ and living in the power of all You've called them to do.  I’m reminded of You Jesus and how you said it was better that you left because the Holy Spirit would come and that we would do greater things that you did.  I’m beginning to maybe see why that’s true.  As the Spirit lives in many of us, we can do many things.  When the Spirit of God lived in You, you were in one place at one time (although no one lived as powerfully and as perfect as You) but as Your Spirit lives in so many of us, we can be in many places at one time glorifying God.  Father, you are omnipresent, and although we are nowhere near that word, serving together we can look a little bit more like You and that particular holy attribute and hopefully reflect Your glory even more as the body of Christ.  Thank you for the honor.  Give me the strength to fulfill all you have for me and those you’ve entrusted to me.  Amen.

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