Friday, March 23, 2012

Rehearse the Victories

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 17:16 But the children of Joseph said, “The mountain country is not enough for us; and all the Canaanites who dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of iron, both those who are of Beth Shean and its towns and those who are of the Valley of Jezreel.”

OBSERVATION: After Joshua had made war a long time in the land of Canaan across the Jordan River, he began to divide by lot the cities and properties to the different tribes with him.  God’s command was to utterly destroy all the inhabitants and thus purge the land of its wicked practices and ultimately to prevent the Canaanites’ ways to co-mingle with God’s people as to leaven their entire society and bring about the curse in Deuteronomy 27 if they followed after other gods.
Here we see the children of Joseph complaining that they needed more land, but when told by Joshua basically this “Listen, God has given us ALL the land.  Just go take what you need.  There’s some great forest and mountain country where the giants live.  Just take ‘em out, chop down some trees and make some room for all your people. Done deal.”
Their response was that of fear of the inhabitants of the land, being strong and having advanced military prowess and weaponry..
WHAT?!  God had just parted the Jordan River!  God had sent hailstorms to utterly wipe out some of the previous fleeing armies!  Not to mention…in the Northern conquest chapters earlier, King Jabin got all his king buddies together WITH horses and chariots and the LORD delivered ALL of them into their hands..

APPLICATION:  Unless we remember the previous victories, rehearse them, let our faith build upon each one, we will forget.  I forget.  I know I do.  I’ve had great personal victories of faith in God’s provision many, many times.  I’ve seen Him heal people physically, restore marriages from brokenness, pull people out of pits too deep to even speak of and set them as a shining city on a hill.  I’ve witnessed God’s power in my life and others’ time and time again.  So why do I still doubt when giants come my way?  Why is it that I am still rattled when I stand for righteousness and hold fast to my faith;  that I get scared when the disasters get too close and try and make escape routes in case the Lord doesn’t come through..Why, why? …..
I forget…I don’t  take the time to remember…I don’t remember and rehearse the victories of Christ in my life, of His great triumphs given to me in His word that are for me to cling too.  I forget His many promises that I can stand in.  I forget, I forget..God is good all the time, and He loves me and has His best for my life in mind.

PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for not writing down the victories you’ve accomplished in my life.  Forgive me for not writing down the prophetic words that have been spoken over me, many that I have forgotten.  Forgive me for my doubt, my fears.  My double-minded behavior.  My lack of trust, forgive me.  Forgive me for not taking You at your word and in times of strife not declaring in my heart “You are all I need, upon Your word I will stand”  Help me in my unbelief.  Help me to remember all the past times You have come through strong on my behalf, even when my faith was smaller than small.  Forge in me a conquering testimony that will set other captives free and give them the courage to slay their own giants.  And thank you for Your mercy and grace when I mess up, to know that You’ll never throw in the towel on my life and the plans You have made for me.  Thank You Jesus, amen

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