Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sin isn't personal; Lead with integrity

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 4:3 If the anointed priest sings, bringing guilt on the people, then let him offer to the LORD for his sin which he has sinned a young bull without blemish as a sin offering
OBSERVATION: God was speaking to Moses in the tabernacle of meeting and laying out the requirements and guidelines of the priests and the people to make an offering to the LORD.  In particular, the context of this offering spoken of in Leviticus 4 refers to the Sin Offerings of the priests.  The priests were to be set apart and sanctified to represent the people before God.  They were to daily keep the fire on the alter burning, govern the sacrifices before the LORD, and follow His instructions to the tee.
However we see here that even the priests were not above reproach even though they were held to a much higher standard in regard to holiness before God and man.  God foreknew this of course, and made a way for them to make atonement for not just themselves but the people of Israel as well.

APPLICATION:  Being a leader is a serious appointment.  All of us are leaders in some regard; whether husbands & wives, fathers & mothers, bosses, managers [insert your field of influence here] Another stark reality is that our influence will wittingly or unwittingly compel and potentially harm those around us.  I'm reminded of the Kings of Judah in Kings and Chronicles in which we hear that all too common phrase "and he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."  We first witness the separation of Israel into two halves and ultimately their captivity because they did not heed according to His word (as we're exhorted to do in Psalm 119..and hide it in our hearts that we might not sin against Him!) 
The effects and influence of sin are no respecters of persons.  The sinful leadership modeled by previous generations were constantly resurrected and re-instituted as the way to go about business..and who suffered from the effects of one mans' leadership?  EVERYONE!  The entire nation!  Sin is cancerous, ask Adam and Eve.

How I live matters, how I lead matters.  Who's leading me everyday?  Is it the voice of truth, the Holy Spirit?  Are the Father's words my words?  When the sure trials of standing up for righteousness come, will I stand or will I cave?   What example will I set to my children, my grandchildren, my friends, my church family...the generations that will outlive me?  It matters.  It all matters!  More than I can possibly comprehend!

PRAYER: LORD I thank you that although sin brought about a curse, in Your Son Jesus You have broken the curse for those whom have trusted in You and surrendered their lives to You.  Jesus just as You came down to the earth You created and by the power of the Holy Spirit brought healing, restoration, forgiveness..good and light into a dark world in need of redemption and salvation..through the power of Your Spirit we are able to do the same and even greater things Your word says!  Thank You Lord that through the blessings released in leading with Christ-like integrity we can impact generations and generations to come.  Help me to live with a perspective of not just my own life, but how my life can and will bless others; to break every yoke and set the captives free.  Amen

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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