Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On the road to recovery, don’t take the easy road, take God’s road

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 13:17 Then it came to pass, when Pharoah had let the people go, that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt

OBSERVATION: Moses was leading Israel out of the captivity of Pharoah through the wilderness of the Red Sea; however going by way of the Philistines was a more direct route.  God had purposely protected them from taking the easy way out because it was heavily guarded by Egypt and He didn’t want them to lose heart and return to their former bondage.

APPLICATION:  Many of us find ourselves in circumstances of recovery.  Whether it be from addictions, burn-outs, unhealthy patterns or sinful habits...  Often what would make the most sense in terms of recovery would be to take the “quickest road to Canaan”.  But I am reminded that in God’s kingdom He always knows best and sees far beyond my limited perspective.  He sees the challenges that lie ahead and knows when to re-route, to protect, guide, and lead us into His plans and His purposes for our lives.  Let’s be honest, most of us are point A to point B type people.  Problem, solution, done, check the box.  But God is interested in the journey.  What am I learning on the road to recovery?  How dependent am I on God to not just be my help, but literally Jesus to be my destination?  Am I flexible enough in wherever God is taking me to change course if He asks?  If we can learn to trust the Lord no matter where He leads us, we will most certainly come to the conclusion that His ways are higher than our ways, that He is for us, and He is even protecting us from potential hazards along the way that might derail us.  Fortunately (and I do mean fortunately) God presses in to the fears and insecurities of His chosen people later down the road, but it’s in His perfect timing and sovereign hands and He is able to expose them and later (ok, much later..but that was their decision, not His!) carry them into the promised land.

PRAYER:  Lord help us to really, sincerely trust You in even our most tender of moments, knowing that You love us, care for us, watch over us, direct us, and ultimately work all things together for good for those who love you and are called according to Your purposes.  I’ve seen it time and time again in my own life, even though sometimes in the midst of the difficult moments it’s hard to see; but Lord give me the faith to trust You immediately no matter where you lead me and know matter what You ask of me, so that You may be glorified and revealed to the world, Amen

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