Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In the midst of chaos glorify God; It matters!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:47 So when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!”
OBSERVATION:  Before Jesus breathed His last breath, He quoted Psalms 31:5 which was a prayer of confidence taught to Jewish children.  The wrath and indignation of the crowd, it’s fury riled themselves up against Jesus and crucified Him.   Jesus, up until the last moment of His life, warned others of coming judgement (Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children), pleaded mercy for them (Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do) and offered forgiveness and salvation to even the worst of sinners (Assuredly, I say to you, Today you will be with Me in Paradise) and finally glorified God in quoting Psalms and trusting God to rise Him up. (Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit) Jesus’s only words and thoughts were to bless others and God.  The centurion saw that and was awakened from the madness previous and realized that Jesus really was who He said he was
APPLICATION:  These last moments before and during Christ at Calvary were full of chaos, fear, and mob mentality.  Apart from Christ we see these same things chaos (the world in it’s current state of sin) fear, (fear of man, anxieties over uncertainty and instability) and mob mentality (the current of the world and it’s reasoning and wisdom draws many to its own doctrine)  However in the midst of all of this, the centurion (who had a lot to lose) went against the grain and glorified God and declared His righteousness in Christ in the midst of the people.  His courage and boldness washed repentance and awakening to those around him.  In the midst of even the most uncertain of times and when all hope is fading and failing, we need to trust in Christ and not only privately, but declare His salvation and plead His righteousness so that others will be drawn to Him as well.
PRAYER:  Lord, I ask that when times get tough, as I know they will for many are the tribulations of the saints; that I will declare your name in the assembly of believers and non-believers that You may be glorified.  Jesus help me to trust in You at all times.  Be my hope in times of most certain hopelessness.  Let my lips proclaim Your salvation in the day of trouble, that the whole world might see Christ in me, the hope of glory.  And Lord have mercy on me to protect me and keep me strong in the faith to not lose hope when I may feel like giving in.  You are my strength and shelter.  Amen

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