Sunday, August 21, 2011

Vanessa Scherbarth, August 21

(Chapter 5: One Thing for Martha)
I Wanna be just like Mary when I grow up... Too bad I have Martha tendencies.

As some of you may know, I gave my testimony today at church about my families recent trip to Rainier Oregon and how the Lord did a work in me. A work that I'm sure He has been continually doing in me since my birth. But hey, what can I say? I'm a slow learner. The thing that I can't get over is how right on par this book was to my season in life right now. How amazing is it that God knew EXACTLY what I needed to hear and when I needed to hear it. Seriously! He seems to know me or something ;)

As I confessed in my title... I tend to be a Martha. But not just any Martha. I'm the mother of all Marthas. Somehow I manage to justify in my internal monolog that I'll get to my devotionals AFTER I get everything else done. After I do the laundry. After I run my errands. After I clean the kitchen and after I tend to the kids. I mean who's gonna know? Right? I'm not held accountable to anyone? WRONG! As if I could hide from God or try to convince Him that I'm just too busy to crack open my bible and learn from the creator of all.  Like Jesus and Paul said, there is only ONE thing that is a priority and somehow I've managed to make everything else in my life a priority.

I need to practice my "scales" daily. I find that the longer I go without time with the Master and soaking in the living water that is God's word, the easier it is for me to get discouraged and the easier it is for the "Father of lies" to get into my head. I also have a tendency to shut down when I haven't taken the time to hear from God. Like Wayne Cordeiro says, if you're not feeding your body or depending on someone to feed you once a week on Sunday mornings, you're bound to shut down and not think strait. God's word is food for your soul! And not just chicken soup... it's like an all you can eat buffet! And not like those cheesy one's at Hometown Buffet where the foods all gross and dried up 'cause it's been there all day. It's like the buffets in Vegas with the crab legs and prime rib... Wait, I'm hungry!....... But I digress. OK, back to God's buffet. It's what gives you the energy and power to keep going even when you don't feel like it.

I want to be like Mary and listen to God's word FIRST. To delve into God's word BEFORE I do the laundry. To be able to arm myself with the spiritual armor that is spoken about in Ephesians six. I want to be so submerged in the Word that the "sword of truth" (God's word) is on my tongue any time and every time I need it. To get lost in the "not so safe" books that are the Bible. To glean different things from the same passage that I've read 100 times. To be able to quote scripture to my children when they have questions about issues they have.

When I grow up, I want to be spiritualy mature. Just like Mary.    


  1. I love what you said in the first paragraph. It seems like God has an intended purpose and message for everyone in this book. God spoke to me a unique and purposeful message as He also did for you. It's amazing what He can do! I see things like this time and time again and yet I'm still in awe of His awesome power.

  2. I have been convicted many times to go deeper into the Word and make it a part of my everyday life. In college I was reading my bible everyday, then not knowing how or when... quit.

    I can relate to what you said, "Somehow I manage to justify in my internal monolog that I'll get to my devotionals AFTER I get everything else done" but for me I guess everything else never quite get done! I would periodically read a passage here or there but not start my day with God.

    It wasn't until my wife Lisa started her daily devotional (she took "The Divine Mentor" from me when I brought it home and read it first!) that I could see first-hand how it was changing her life. Through her example, and in reading this book, I realize that I can no longer ignore what has been laid on my heart for too long... I need to make time every day for God.

  3. You guys are blessing my socks off right now. I'm so proud of our worship ministry teams. I'm beaming with excitement at how the Lord is speaking to all of us through this book.

    2 weeks ago Pastor Justin Taylor said something that stuck with me still. "We don't go to church, we ARE the church" He also said something like to the effect that we don't "go to church on Sundays, the church arrives in a building on Sundays and when service is over, the church goes out to wherever we are (home, work, coffeehouses, etc." I've come to realize that in my own life my personal devotional times with the LORD has been the most powerful, God moments I've ever experienced. The LORD nourishes me all week so that when I get come to church on Sundays, I don't come starved for a good word from the pastor (although I love our pastors, ha!)I come ready to sing out loud to God and bless others. When His Spirit speaks something to my heart in such a way that I go "Ah-ha! I get it, I really get it!" I'm fired up all day long. His word gives me fuel to lead the people who arrive in this building every Sat & Sun. Without it, what wisdom to I have to offer? God's wisdom is eternal and without end (check psalm 119 out, it rocks) my wisdom is from the experience of a "working out his salvation, messed up 36 year old" I'll take in, and breathe out His words any day over mine. I'm more of a HomeTown Buffet when it comes to wisdom, doo doo chee!
    It's a fight every morning btw..something else will call you. It will fight for your attention. It will tell you "I'm the most important thing today, start with me" But it will steal your day, and the joy that you could be living in it if we let it. Let's fight the good fight of faith together and bear good fruit on the inside, to give out to the outside world, amen? Love you guys!! Tim, David, Vanessa.. you are all amazing, amazing people and I cherish you and your friendships greatly. Let's turn this world upside down (or should I say right side up!)
