Friday, August 5, 2011

Sean Hendrickson

How much easier would life be if we all followed life through wisdom, rather then choosing the door of consequences? I always find myself at the end of a discovery, whether good or bad, wishing I would have listened and followed the advice of others. Instead, I choose to follow my ways and find out for myself: the consequences. In most cases I am left beaten, bruised, and hurt. 

The choice to be wise, "requires discipline, obedience, consistency, and above all else time." (page 30) It is very true, but difficult to do these four things on a regular basis. As many say, it is easier said then done.  It seems to easy to follow my own lead and trust myself, rather than humble myself to the wisdom of those before me. 

My prayer is to not only see that I need the wisdom of others, but being open to it. Have the courage and desire to listen and learn from others so that I don't have to make the same mistakes and make a better future for myself, my family, friends, work, the church, and most of all fulfilling the plans God has in store for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Adam Lohrbach said:

    Having the courage to listen is truely courageous. Psalm 141:5 says "Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head.."

    In ministry I've always opened the doors from my leaders to be able to guide and instruct me in ways that I need improvement and/or correction if neccesary. I've always clung to this verse because let's be honest..when someone gives us advise or gentle honest correction and we don't like it, it can sting..and in my flesh I don't want to hear it..but spiritually speaking it truely is a kindness for someone to be willing to pour their trusted wisdom into me.

    Proverbs 18:2 says
    A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.

    I don't want to act fooishly ever (but I know I do all too often!) I want to delight in the understading of godly counsel and not make excuses for myself. Discipleship involves discipline and if it refines me more into the image of Christ, then so be it!

    You're awesome Sean. We're all blessed by your commitment to God and being transparent before Him and us! Thank you
