Sunday, July 31, 2011

Terry Fisher, July31st

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Although a worldly saying, I believe it applies to to our spiritual lives as well.

Both wisdom and consequences have been my instructors in life's schoolroom. Fortunately the former is what I have gravitated toward. In most cases I choose to opt for the front end price of discipline. However, the gift of discipline was and continues to be a double edged sword for me. The other side being that of perfectionism, which comes with its own set of issues. How to attain the unattainable all the while trying to avoid the inevitable collateral damage along the way?

One can and should learn from regrets but I believe most would prefer not to have them.
Though I was not able to chew and digest all the scriptural "meat" that I had piled on my plate, I decided to read the Bible from cover to cover while still a relatively new member of the body of Christ. Not too long after finishing the book of Proverbs, I regretted that I had not drawn from its wisdom years earlier.

Far better to do it God's way rather than my way. It's never too late to learn...


1 comment:

  1. Good words Terry. I too have tended to gravitate towards consequences as an instructor all throughout life. I can look back on past decisions in marriage, finances, past jobs, you name it..When I didn't seek the Lord at these critical moments (even when the world's wisdom gave me 2 thumbs up!) I would reap the consequences of my actions sooner or later...and usually sooner by the grace of God.

    "It's never too late to learn.." Amen! And even in our mistakes, and the mistakes that I've even found myself revisiting..God has been so gracious, gentle, and patient with me when His Spirit presses into my own issues, lack of faith, irresponsibility, my brokenness...and I agree with Him, get back in alignment and press on.
    It's so good to know that we're not alone in our journey and that we can learn so much from one another. Thank you Terry for your openness and just being honest and real. You're an awesome man of God and I am so thankful for how you have dedicated your life and God-given gifts to the glory of God and the blessing of others. - Adam Lohrbach
