Sunday, September 25, 2011

Susan Emery, September 25

Breaking Bread Together

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers." (Acts 2:42)

     Chapter 10 in "The Divine Mentor" is about developing a church culture that values the Word of God, prayer & fellowship.  In Cordeiro's church, Life Groups use the 20/20/20 principle to feed daily on the Word; they read the designated Scripture for 20 minutes, journal for 20 minutes, and share their journal entries for 20 minutes.  I think it's an awesome idea to be in the same passages of Scripture as others, then to share with each other what the Holy Spirit is speaking to each individual!  Cordeiro likens it to a field of wildflowers; no two alike but all beautiful.
     So where are we as Bridge members in this cultural spectrum?  We value the Word, but need to develop a discipline about our study.  We are maybe individually reading the Word, but not together on a daily basis.  How great & powerful would it be to read through the Bible together?  And to talk about what He is teaching us together in our Life Groups, Bible studies, families, friendships?  Families can do this together!  I like it!  Let's truly take action when we say "Give us this day our daily bread" our bread being "every word that comes out of the mouth of God!"; our Bread being our Lord Jesus Christ.  Even if you have to LISTEN to the Word on DVD while driving to work, get up an extra 20 minutes early, read it a lunchtime, etc., it's important to develop the daily habit.  My time is at the end of my day, as I get up at 2:30 a.m. & can't even think at that hour, but it's sweet to spend that time learning what the Lord has been trying to teach me all day!  I would love to talk with others who were in the same part of the Word as I am!  As Gregg Johnson said today "Let's do it!"

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