Saturday, September 24, 2011

Feast or Famine?

"Your Words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart." Jeremiah 15:16

(When your words showed up, I ate them—
   swallowed them whole. What a feast! The Message)

This was the opening scripture!!  I love it and it reminded me of this scripture also,"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" -Matthew 4:4.  This is so true and is so applicable spiritually.  When you haven't eaten in a while you start to feel hunger pains, this parallels the Word: When you don't read the Word you may not realize it but you will have hunger pains spiritually speaking. You may be more prone to the temptations and desires of the flesh because you are starving for truth and must fill the void. I love this visual it paints such a great picture for me... feasting on His Word not out of obligation, but out of delight that brings joy to my heart! Eat up, to your hearts content!!  I loved reading about the elderly chinese lady who committed a whole book to memory, it is amazing that we are even privileged to have the freedom to own and read our Bibles... In comparison to other remote places in the world.  It reminds me of an old friend of mine that was a missionary and had to minister and evangelize to others based off of the scripture that he committed to memory.  It inspires me to put myself in that situation.... how much would I really have committed to memory if I was a missionary without access to the Bible? One of my favorite scriptures 119:11 "Your Word I have hidden in my heart so that I may not sin against You." One of my favorite ways to do this is to make up silly songs to scriptures, some times they are really not any good, quite obnoxious sounding, but whatever it takes to remember it = is the point.  Because you may come to a place in your life where you need those Words... because you are starving for them.  

Back to the book... Another point that I LOVED was the accuracy of the Holy Spirit Inspired Word of the Living God.  If you don't believe that it is God breathed why bother reading it or even trusting it as the basis of your salvation and eternal life?  If it is God inspired and really from the Living God.... then it MUST mean EVERYTHING. Which brings me back to the question... How do we know that it is the inspired Word of God?  (To me this is an exciting question because facts increase faith...) 
-Answer: Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  

-Other Answer:  One of the most trustworthy accurate and infallible truths of the Word is that... there have been hundreds of PROPHECIES that have been FULFILLED!!  Prophecies that predicted future events that were later recorded and that literally predicted the very birth and death of our Saviour.  There are still many prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled... like His return... so exciting!!  And even when He comes back and heaven and earth pass away what will still remain...??? His very Word!!  Jesus was the Very Word of God wrapped in flesh, Always is, always has been and always will be!  This reminds me of one time when I was driving and had my Bible along with some other books on my passengers seat... my light on my dash was flashing, saying that my passenger was not wearing a seatbelt...  I laughed and looked down and saw my Bible and thought to myself... the Word is alive!! haha  and IT IS! So now I am totally convicted to feast so that I'm not in a famine! Amen! :)  Your sista' in the Lord,  Kelly

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