Friday, September 16, 2011

Gabe Sanchez, Sept. 15th

His Word my Daily Bread

My Prayer "Search me , O God, and know my heart. Try me and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in your everlasting way! Psalms 139:23-24

Chaper 8 was a real eye opener for me. To sum it all up the chaper is about being fed daily by reading God's word and approaching Him daily for "Fresh Bread". Jesus declares "I am the bread of life, He who comes to me will never go hungry". It amazes me how easy it is for me to feed my hungry stomach, but what about my hungry heart or mind? God's word gives us wisdom and incarnation, where his word bleeds out of us. Why is that so hard to do, especially daily? We live in a fast pace world that never stops and our personal lives tends to get the best out of us leavimg us with no room for God's word. I don't know about you but diving into the word of God daily suddenly becomes hard to do. This chapter reminds me how important it is to dive into God's word daily. We tend to drift away so easily and gradually float away from God and hearing, reading and understanding His word. Jesus said to go to Him for daily bread for a reason. He knows how our bodies work, and what our body needs daily. Heck He created us! Just as our bodies need fresh food daily, we need  a fresh word from our Heavenly Father to feed our minds and our hearts. Pastor Wayne explains how wisdom is built layer by layer, it's like a muscle and one does not build a muscle over night. True wisdom comes from the word of God, so why am I not seeking God daily? Not once or twice a week, but daily! At times there are a few weeks where I am reading his word daily for a several weeks. Wow at the time I do notice the difference on how I feel so fresh by reading God's word. His word teaches me on how to apprach certain situations and trials that come into my life. But then a week or two weeks go by where diving into His word becomes a side thing to do and gets lost in time. There is so much to discover in God's word. Daily is when my God wants me to hear Him so I continue to pray Psalms 139.

1 comment:

  1. When I read your post it echoes my own walk. I too have struggled with inconsistency even though I know it should be the highest priority. I now have a daily devotional that hits my inbox which is my reminder to make the time. Although it has helped me to read scripture each day, I now struggle with wanting it to be the best time of the day and not to do it to just get it in. I want the time to be quality time with God.
