Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finish Strong: Bless as they come, bless as they go

SCRIPTURE: Mark 8: 8-9 And they ate and were satisfied.  And they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. 9 And there were about four thousand people. And He sent them away.

OBSERVATION: Jesus had been doing ministry on the Sea of Galilee (I was just there!) among a crowd of about 4,000 people for 3 days.  It appears that they had had little to nothing at all to eat having left their homes behind to be with Him.  Jesus was about to send them home but wanted to send them away being well fed so they could safely make the journey without fainting from lack of strength.  The disciples didn't understand how this could be possible with so many, but once again Jesus gave thanks for what few loaves they had, broke them and fed the 4,000 before sending them home.

APPLICATION:  Jesus most assuredly had blessed them so much that they were all willing to leave the comforts of their homes, lives and likely even their families.   They had left everything behind to be with Him.  Imagine that for a moment.  Leaving your daily routines, habits and even livelihood just to spend time with Jesus..