Thursday, November 1, 2012

With everything to gain, what have you got to lose?

In Mark chapter 8 we once again see a great multitude in need of nourishment, much like in Mark chapter 6. They had been traveling with Him for 3 days and have nothing to eat..

I've always viewed these very real illustrations through the this lense: "God can take what little you have, and multiply it" or "Nothing is impossible with God, He can take a few measly morsels and satisfy a multitude, He is a God of miracles." or even this statement "Isn't that amazing how God used the seven loaves and not only fed 4,000 people, but also gave them (the disciples) back more than they previously had..God is able to to exceedingly, abundantly above or beyond anything that we could possibly imagine. If we give, he will bless us and entrust us with even more."

All these statements I believe to be true as revealed to us through Scripture in various ways, however I never really paid attention to this particular facet of truth.

They (Jesus' disciples) were asked to give away all their bread..

I think it's no coincidence that at the end of this chapter we read this famous statement from Jesus

34"Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

They were on God's mission, living out their calling and having been asked at the onset of their journey with the Lord to leave everything and follow Him they were still living out that very same principle in their everyday ministry: Sacrificing their passions, pursuits, dreams, goals, even careers and submitting themselves to their calling in Christ each day.

The Lord has often asked me to give up earthly pursuits in my life. In fact, it's a big part of my testimony.