Sunday, July 31, 2011

Terry Fisher, July31st

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Although a worldly saying, I believe it applies to to our spiritual lives as well.

Both wisdom and consequences have been my instructors in life's schoolroom. Fortunately the former is what I have gravitated toward. In most cases I choose to opt for the front end price of discipline. However, the gift of discipline was and continues to be a double edged sword for me. The other side being that of perfectionism, which comes with its own set of issues. How to attain the unattainable all the while trying to avoid the inevitable collateral damage along the way?

One can and should learn from regrets but I believe most would prefer not to have them.
Though I was not able to chew and digest all the scriptural "meat" that I had piled on my plate, I decided to read the Bible from cover to cover while still a relatively new member of the body of Christ. Not too long after finishing the book of Proverbs, I regretted that I had not drawn from its wisdom years earlier.

Far better to do it God's way rather than my way. It's never too late to learn...


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello my name is Adam, but my friends used to call me Martha

"Jesus said to His friend, "Martha, you're bothered about so many things. So worried and distracted." And then He said something truely revolutionary: "Only a few things are neccesary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her" - Wayne Cordiero
That was me about 6 months ago for the last 3 years.  I used to be so busy "doing" ministry that I forgot to sit at the feet of the only One who desired and should have been breathing life into it.  Sure, I read my word sparatically throughout the week..when I had time.  But there was always so much to do at church I rarely had (or should I say "made") time to meet with Christ in His word.
One of the biggest mistakes I made nearly every day was opening my email box.  I'd say to myself "awesome, gonna get in the word and renew my mind, be refreshed, hear from the Lord and let his life infuse everything I do, wooo-haa!"  But then I'd take a brief seat in front of the computer, take a quick peak at the inbox and BAAAMMM!!!  work begins, 5:00pm rolls right around the corner and I'm driving home to help take care of my son Sawyer and help my wife around the house.  Dinner, conversation, a wee bit of T.V, bedtime.  At this point my mind was so exhausted from the day that even the final prayer before we closed our eyes was tough to muster up.  Day 2, 3, 4, and so on...rinse, wash, and repeat..
Ever been there?  There now?  Let me tell you, it's a formula for burn out.  You'll hit a wall sooner or later.  I did, and only when I confessed my negligence and literally bowed before Him in worship did I receive the strength and wisdom to carry on.  But not like before..
I've learned that being a Mary is the way to go.  Always making time to be in God's word.  I can honestly tell you that my life has been radically changed and redirected by committing myself to spend time in His word every morning.  I love it.  I can't wait for it!  And about 4 years ago I would have told you that I couldn't stand reading.
I'm so excited to embark on this journey together team.  God is going to radically transform ALL of our lives as we discover the richness and depth of His word.  It will speak to you daily and literally transform your entire day and perspective on everything.  I know because I'm living it and it's living in me more and more.  His word gives me wisdom and life to speak to others.  Without it, I have less strength, less joy, and more easily fall into habits and temptations..It will guard your heart and mind, and give you the fuel you need to ignite each day as God presents it to you.
LORD, have Your way in us and give us a passion to be changed by the timeless truths of your word.  Help us to think like you think, so that we can respond as You respond.  Amen!