Thursday, June 9, 2011


Worship ministries unite!  Welcome mighty men and women of the Bridge to the official blogspot of Chronicles of Courage.  This is a site that will hopefully infuse each of us with the words that God is speaking to each and everyone of our hearts, while drawing us all closer together in the perfect love of Christ.
We will be spending the next 3 months going through the book Divine Mentor and dialoging together what God is speaking to our hearts through the wisdom that has been imparted to the author Wayne Cordeiro.  If you haven't gotten your book yet, you can order if for less than 10 bucks @

With our church constantly growing, God has burdened my heart to be more intentional about our development not only as a well trained team, but in discipleship and spiritual disciplines.  As the church grows it becomes more and more critical that as a team we have clear paths and doorways to receive those willing to get plugged in and serve the LORD, as well as have means of connecting within our worship ministries and really feeling like family.  This book is step one.  I've read through it once and I can tell you that it has greatly impacted my private devotional time with God.  Our staff all went through it together and had impactful discussions throughout each chapter.  And the wonderful thing is, is that we all gleaned different things from the same chapters as the manifold wisdom of God was being revealed to our hearts by His Spirit.  This book will fuel your passion to be in God's word daily and will give us all practical tools to go about it.  It's an easy read and a fun read at that!

So this is your place, your stomping grounds!  Each of us will be assigned specific chapters to read, reflect on and blog what God has been speaking to us. You may have something brief to share, or you may have a short essay.  The important thing is, is that you take the time to sit with God and let Him speak to you.  What he encourages you to write will undoubtedly speak to many of us and open up some great conversations as we comment on the weekly blogs. These readings and assignments are mandatory, however anyone of you can share what God has been speaking to you during the week at anytime.  I would also highly encourage you to read through the blog weekly and comment on the blogs if they speak to your heart.  Courage begets courage!

I'm looking forward to our journey together through this book, but more importantly getting to know you all better and unifying all of our worship ministries tightly together. 

Thank you LORD for these men and women that you have called into service.  I pray that in all we do You would be glorified.  We were once afar off, but now through You Jesus, you have brought us near by Your blood.  LORD I pray that you would draw us nearer still daily as we sit at your feet, and that as living stones being fit together that every rock would find strength and support from those around them.  Blessed be Your name.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you posting this adn getting the ball rollin'. I am also a big fan of Philip Yancey and Edwin Rafeal McMannus.
