Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Power of God: release through response

SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.”

OBSERVATION: A woman with a 12 year old condition of a discharge of blood reached through a crowd of people and touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment.  Power went out from Him and healed her.  When he had asked who had touched her, his disciples’ response (in the natural) was basically. “Um..Jesus, there are like tons of folks around you..lots of people are touching you..uh..” Let's be honest, wouldn't we have responded in such a way?

APPLICATION:  In the beginning of Luke we read that Jesus is the “Word” meaning “Logos”  Essentially He is the divine expression of the Father himself.  He is God incarnate, here in the flesh walking among the crowd.  But in that crowd a woman who believed in His power, touched him and was healed.  Faith is a response to the Word of God and the Word of God (Jesus) is attached to promises backed with power.  The Word of God, activating our faith (Romans 10:17) releases the power of God backed by His authority.  This is HUGE!