Friday, October 26, 2012

Comfort Zones: Let's do some rezoning

The Prelude: Paul has been falsely accused by the Jewish elders and after applying pressure to the governor of Caesarea Felix, had convinced Felix to imprison him there.  Felix had shortly thereafter been succeeded by the new governor Porcius Festus.  After two years (wow) of imprisonment the fervor of the Jewish leaders was by no means quenched
and they had asked to have him (Paul) released that they might kill him.  Festus fortunately wanted to have a hearing and see where their rage came from and if it was indeed just.  Paul had asked to be seen seen at a Roman court as was his right as a Roman citizen.  Festus agreed and had King Agrippa and a man with him named Bernice come to hear what the tumult was about. we are...Paul after two years of imprisonment..standing before the King (Samuel 2:8 comes to mind) of the known world at that time, has been asked by the king himself to "speak for yourself."

He could have said anything.  He could have slammed the Jewish elders for falsely accusing him.  He could have thwarted his Roman citizenship in the face of injustice.  He could have pitifully and rightfully pleaded for release and justice for two years of imprisonment.  He could have..he could have..he could have...but he didn't.

He simply gave his testimony